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Gifts in your will to TTSS will make sure future generations will know and see the beauty of Trumpeter Swans

Photograph by Margaret Smith

Your gift to The Trumpeter Swan Society will secure the long term future of Trumpeter Swans and their families

Your gift to The Trumpeter Swan Society will secure their future.
Photograph by Tammy Wolfe

Trumpeter Swan Society Federal Tax ID (EIN): 23-7220654

You can help safeguard the flock by planning for their secure present and future. Here are some tax-smart options.

Did you know you can donate stocks through your broker? Or make a gift through your DAF (Donor Advised Fund)? A gift from your Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is another tax-efficient way to donate.

As a charitable organization, TTSS is prohibited from giving tax or legal advice. For more information, contact Margaret Smith, Executive Director, at 715-441-1994 or email at

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

If you currently have a Donor Advised Fund consider designating a gift to the Trumpeter Swan Society. When you donate through your DAF, you will receive an immediate tax deduction for your entire contribution. DAFs are the most beneficial options if you are considering giving a large sum of money in one year and then spreading it out to your favorite charities.

Please include your name and address so we can acknowledge your generous gift!

Many people choose to make recurring gifts through their DAFs. It allows us to plan more thoughtfully and make the most of your donations. And you can always cancel if you change your mind.


Here's a tax smart option. Qualified Charitable distributions (QCD) from your IRA

A Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a distribution from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) directly to a charity. IRA owners older than 72 years of age are eligible.

Because QCDs lower overall income and, they can be a tax-efficient way for donors to make charitable gifts! Gifts from your IRA go to a charitable organization without going to your first which will lower your adjusted growth income and then reducing your income taxes. You can donate up to $100,000 in IRA funds annually or $200,000 for married couples.

The easiest way to make a QCD is for you to submit a request to your account custodian (ex. Fidelity, Vanguard, Charles Schwab, etc.) to send money directly to your designated nonprofit. Please tell your custodian to include your name in the donation so we can properly acknowledge your gift!

An additional benefit for IRA owners who are age 73 or older is that a QCD may fulfill part or all of the required minimum distribution (RMD) for a year.

You can also set your DAF to make recurring gifts each year to your favorite charities.



Consider naming The Trumpeter Swan Society as a beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan.

Retirement plans may be subject to estate taxes after death and income tax as the funds are received by a beneficiary, diminishing the ultimate value of the account.

By naming The Trumpeter Swan Society as a beneficiary of your IRA or pension, both estate and income taxes may be avoided, allowing you to leave your family other assets, which may incur less tax liability.

Stock Gifts

Avoid capital gains tax by making a gift of stocks or bonds. Transferring your stock is one of the most tax-savvy ways to contribute to the Trumpeter Swan Society. If you transfer stocks directly to a certified nonprofit, you won’t be responsible for capital gains taxes, and you can deduct the full amount of your stock as a charitable donation!

If you would like to work with your financial institution to donate stocks, here are the transfer instructions they will need:

1. Contact Margaret Smith at (715) 441-1994 or at so we can look out for your charitable gift!

2.       Name of Broker: Vanguard

          Name of Account: The Trumpeter Swan Society

          Brokerage Account Number: 65204443

          The Trumpeter Swan Society Tax ID: 23-7220654

          DTC Number: 0062

Please include your name on your stock transfer so we can thank you for your gift or fill out the Gift of Stock mail-in Form

Stock Donation FAQ

What are the benefits of donating appreciated assets?

By donating stock rather than selling it, you will avoid paying a capital gains tax. Capital gains tax is a tax on the profit made from the sale of a non-inventory asset like stock. These can be as high as a federal tax rate of 20% for long-term holdings (or stocks being held for more than one year), and for some states (like California, which has a 13% tax rate) an additional tax rate on top of the federal rate. If you donate a long-term holding and itemize deductions, you can also take a charitable dedication for the entire donation.

Can I have an example of how transferring stocks can save me money?

When you donate stocks, you are essentially saving 30% on taxes by excluding gains from your returns. Let’s say you want to give a gift of $1,000 to our organization this year. If you want to sell the stock before donating it, you would have to sell about $1,400, and pay the $400 in taxes on the sale of the stock before donating the remaining $1,000. But if you transfer the stock directly to The Trumpeter Swan Society, you only need to transfer the $1,000 worth of stocks, and you won’t have to pay tax.

I’m convinced that donating stock is a great way to give, but I don’t want to lose my holdings.

After donating stock, you are eligible to buy the same stock again within the day. This allows you to make a powerful, tax-savvy gift while maintaining your portfolio, no matter the market.


If you have any other questions, please contact Margaret Smith, at 715-441-1994 or

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