Photograph by Matt Hegwood. Aerial view of wintering Michigan Trumpeter Swans
Swan Links- United States
This online Ebird map shows locations across North America where Trumpeter Swans have been seen. Zoom in or out to see dates and locations of sightings near you! Thanks to Wisconsin Ebird for this link. You can zoom into any location in North America.
This list of National Wildlife Refuges includes Refuges with Trumpeter Swans being reported at some point during their annual cycle.
This tracking project through Cornell lets you track which birds are migrating through your county and when and where they are migrating across the United States. Check for trumpeter swans during their fall and spring migrations.
Below: States are in alphabetical order
Heber Springs is home to many wintering Trumpeter Swans. Directions to Heber Springs's Magness Lake are included in the link.
In this webinar recording, discover how Arkansas became a "star location" for wintering trumpeter swans. Learn the best places to see and photograph trumpeter swans. Be amazed by the far way places swans come from to spend the winter in Arkansas. Learn how Arkansas was a pioneer partner in a migration experiment with Iowa. Enjoy learning what swan behavior means!
Presented by: Kenny Nations, Heber Springs, Arkansas, Dave Hoffman, Iowa DNR, Karen Rowe, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, and Gary Ivey, Trumpeter Swan Society
Nesting swans are on Silver lake. Harriman State Park is also an important wintering site for Trumpeter Swans.
Learn about the park’s role as a sanctuary for nesting trumpeter swans and a crucial wintering ground for Rocky Mountain swans from the USA and Canada.
• Discover the impact of extreme weather and efforts to rescue and relocate swans during harsh conditions in 1988 and 1989.
• Learn about vital aquatic foods for swans.
• Planning a trip? Find out what Harriman State Park and its surroundings offer visitors, just an hour's drive from Yellowstone National Park.
Dr. Jeff Snyder, North American Representative, Swan Specialist Group; Dr. Gary Ivey, Past President of the Trumpeter Swan Society and Leader of the Oregon Restoration Project; Kyle Babbitt, P&R Ranger-Interpretation/Education, Harriman State Park of Idaho, Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation -
Information about the status of Trumpeter Swans is found in Appendix F, pages 34-35
Trumpeter swans disappeared from Iowa by 1883. By the 20th century, this once wetland-rich state was transformed into an agricultural crop-rich state as wetlands were drained.
Explore how trumpeter swans became ambassadors for wetland conservation in Iowa.
You will also
• Be inspired by Iowa's engagement and education programs as swans were restored
• Learn about the migratory movements of Iowa trumpeter swans and the survival of cygnets in their first winter!Presenters:
Ron Andrews, retired, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Trumpeter Swan Restoration Coordinator, 1992-2010
Dave Hoffman, Wildlife Research Technician, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Trumpeter Swan program 1994-2024
Anna Buckardt Thomas, Avian Ecologist, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, Project lead for Iowa's GPS/GSM swan tracking in the Midwest swan tracking project -
Read about the 3 year project that released eight-month old Iowa swans into Arkansas in winter to see if they will establish a migration route between Iowa and Arkansas. 2008-2010.
This bird sanctuary is home to different swan species and has many wintering swans
A brief review of Michigan's swan restoration program and best areas on the Au Sable River to view Trumpeter Swans.
This article appeared in the Bemidji Pioneer in June 2018.
Here is the story about the very beginnings of Minnesota's Trumpeter Swan restoration. It all began in the mid 1960s in Hennepin County Parks, now known as Three Rivers Park District
In this webinar recording, you will to gain a deeper understanding of trumpeter swans- how they nest, raise families and pioneer into new areas, AND learn
• How Hennepin Parks began the state’s efforts and founded the Trumpeter Swan Society
• How Minnesota created a plan to restore trumpeter swans
• How Alaska and zoos became key players in the quest for eggs and cygnets
• How Minnesota trumpeter swans became a national ‘media star’
• Where Minnesota swans are pioneering into new areas outside of the state that have had no swans for over a century
• and much more!Presented by: Carrol Henderson, Minnesota wildlife biologist and retired MN Department of Natural Resources Non-Game Wildlife Program leader. Carrol Henderson has been involved in the restoration of Minnesota swans for 41 years and has lots of stories and information to share.
Many of the parks and preserves in Three Rivers Park District have Trumpeter Swans at some point during the year. Call to find out where they are during your visit to the Twin Cities.
Discover the captivating history of overwintering Trumpeter Swans at the Riverlands Migratory Bird Sanctuary near St. Louis, Missouri. Dive into their significance in the Mississippi flyway. Learn how swans are monitored and counted at Riverlands and when the best times are to see swans. Discover the broad array of swan programs and experiences offered at this Audubon center to thousands of visitors each year. And much more!
Tara Hohman, Conservation Science Manager, National Audubon Society: Upper Mississippi River
Emily Connor, Education Manager, National Audubon Society: Audubon Center
Tyler Goble, Wildlife Biologist, Army Corps of Engineers, Environmental Stewardship Team
Paul Moffett, Trumpeter Swan Society Member and Monitoring Volunteer -
The Audubon Center at Riverlands, at the confluence area of the Missouri and Mississippi River near St. Louis, has the largest wintering population of Trumpeter Swans outside of Minnesota. The Center's Great River Trumpeter Watch, started in partnership with TTSS in 2011, tracks wintering swans including marked swans.
Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge has several hundred wintering swans each winter, sometimes numbering over 1,000.
This appeared as a report at the second North American Wildlife Conference in 1936. The collective efforts of all involved have brought Trumpeter Swans a long, long way since then. Read about the early efforts at Red Rock Lakes.
Includes maps of swan sightings
Red Rock Lakes was established in the 1930s specifically to protect Trumpeter Swans. This beautiful refuge has been at the heart of the return of the Trumpeter Swan to North America. Cygnets from Red Rock Lakes NWR were used in early swan restorations in the Midwest, as well as being shared with zoos to preserve the species.
Southwest Montana's Centennial Valley is crucially important to the survival of Trumpeter Swans that nest in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. During summer 2011, The Trumpeter Swan Society funded monitoring and research at over 30 historic nesting territories on private ranches and public lands west of Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge.
Great online article about trumpeter swans, behavior, and GPS tracking in NE. Written by Mark Vrtiska
Summer Lake Wildlife Area is the site of the Trumpeter Swan releases for the Oregon Restoration Project, a partnership between TTSS, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Summer Lake is also a wintering site for swans as well as a rest stop for migrating Tundra and Trumpeter Swans.
In February 2023, a dozen swans were captured and received GPS collars at Oregon’s Summer Lake Wildlife Area and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. Biologists wanted to know where these swans spend the summer, their migration routes in spring and fall, and if they raised families.
Learn how and where the swans were captured and collared. Then we explore some of the results, teaching you how to use GoogleEarth and the GPS data to discover:
• How to see the wetlands where the swans were captured and collared.
• How to do simple calculations like a biologist to determine flight speed, temperatures, distances and altitude.
Dr. Gary Ivey, Trumpeter Swan Society Oregon Restoration Project leader
Brandon Reishus, Migratory Game Bird Coordinator, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Martin St. Louis, Retired Manager, Summer Lake Wildlife Area
South Dakota
Lacreek NWR began the first restoration of Trumpeter Swans in the Midwest, beginning in the 1960s. Their original swans came from Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge. The descendants of the Lacreek flock are now the High Plains Flock and extend as far south as Nebraska
Hines Marsh is used by wintering and migrating Trumpeter Swans
by Carlene Hardt
This article highlights efforts in Wisconsin to restore trumpeter swans through egg collection in Alaska and partnerships, the 3 year midwest swan tracking study now going on, and the record 2021 hatch of 10 cygnets in the town of Minong. Read more...
A celebration of unique private/state partnerships featuring an exploration of the history, challenges, and development of Wisconsin's Trumpeter Swan Recovery Program spanning the end of one century and beginning of another. Presenter: Sumner Matteson, Avian Ecologist, Wisconsin DNR
"Educating One Pond Owner at a Time"
Discover the rich history of trumpeter swans in Yellowstone, a haven celebrated for its unique geothermal wonders and charismatic wildlife. Journey through the ebbs and flows of swan populations within the park, from their flourishing numbers before the 1960s to the challenges faced in recent decades.
Learn about Yellowstone's proactive conservation strategies and ongoing research endeavors aimed at ensuring the enduring presence of the iconic trumpeter swan within its boundaries.
David Haines, National Park Service, Yellowstone National Park
Douglas Smith, National Park Service (retired), Yellowstone National Park -
Powerpoint presentation created by David Lockman of one of the first range expansion project for the Rocky Mountain Population of Trumpeter Swans conducted in Wyoming in the 1980's. This is a presentation he gave on April 21, 2022 to the Star Valley Historical Society in NW Wyoming